
Showing posts from January, 2022


To know about AAC price and what AAC blocks are? Please read the blog/article AAC Blocks: Aerated Autoclaved Concrete Blocks. AAC blocks are lightweight Aerated Autoclave Concrete Blocks. It is manufactured through a reaction of aluminium and a proportionate blend of lime, cement and fly ash. During this process, the hydrogen gas that escapes creates millions of tiny air cells, rendering AAC with a strong cellular structure. AAC blocks are further strengthened by high-pressure steam curing in autoclaves. The product thus formed is not only lightweight but also has higher Compressive strength. If you are looking for AAC blocks Price then please visit our site at and also you can directly call us at 9582872872. Density of these AAC lightweight blocks usually ranges between  550 – 650 kg/m³ . Which is superior to most types of lightweight blocks. AAC blocks are 25% stronger than other products of the same density. Auto-claved Aerated concrete blocks are new to civil indus

Frequently asked questions about Cement

  1. Which Cement  is better at 43 Grade or 53 Grade? The compressive strength for OPC 43 grade cement is 43 Mpa and that for OPC 53 grade cement is 53 MPa. The unit MPa(Megapascal) is the unit for compressive strength. 2. How can you check the quality of cement? You can determine the quality of cement on the basis of these tests: a. Float test b. Smoothness test c. Smell test d. Colour test e. Manufacturing test f. Temperature test g. Setting test 3. How do you store cement at the site/construction wo rkplace? Store the cement in a dry place. Use the cement bag that hasn’t been used for a long time to avoid it from becoming solid. 4. What is the lifespan of cement? The lifespan of cement depends on the way it’s stored. If the cement is stored properly satisfying the expected conditions, it can stay fresh longer for years. However, no matter how perfectly you store, the compressive strength of cement reduces over time. If cement is unused for more than 2 years, it could see a decrease

Rathi TMT Bar Supplier in Gurgaon

Rathi TMT bar supplier offers top-notched quality bars in Gurgaon, Delhi, NCR. We use water as pressure for their pearlitic deep and hard surface of tempered martensite, giving excellent strength, durability, and flexibility. TMT bars are broadly utilized in universally good substantial support designs like flyovers, dams, warm and hydel power plants, modern constructions, tall structures, and underground metro rail routes, and quick vehicle framework. THE   Rathi TMT Bar supplier   provides bars thermo-precisely treated through the world’s best innovation for high return strength. This treatment provides fast extinguishing of the hot bars through a progression of water jets. Later they carry out the last plant stand and help Deep surface temperatures to adjust. Highlights of TMT Bars Upgraded strength joined with high durability Best weldability without loss of welded joints Better flexibility Disaster proof High temperature tested FAQ WHAT IS TMT BAR? Ans: It is a great bar made util